Dianne's BeOS Stuff

Though I worked at Be during the last couple years of its life, I was an active BeOS developer for many years before that. You can find some of the BeOS development I did during that time at Angry Red Planet's BeOS software pages.

While working at Be, I also wrote two newsletter articles with included code:

Introducing QuickRes

This article describes the last version of QuickRes, our graphical resource editor, that was done.

So You Have a Bunch of Resources -- Now What Do You Do?

This article discusses how you can make use of data in resources, and includes some sample code that implements some of the topics discussed.

Dianne Kyra Hackborn <hackbod@angryredplanet.com>
Last modified: June, 2005

This web page and all material contained herein is the fault and Copyright ©1998 Dianne Hackborn, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.