This project is no longer being maintained: it was developed for my masters thesis, which was completed in early 1997. I still, however, welcome any questions or comments that people may have.

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iHTML Python Language


This page explains how to configure your WWW server to handle iHTML Python programs and gives a general introduction to the iHTML system and its use with the Python language module.


The creation of an iHTML program involves at least two steps. First, the program must be written and made available on a Web server. Second, an actual HTML page must be made, with a link from it to the program. The link may take one of two distinct forms, as described below.

Embedded Programs

The link type that is likely most familiar is that of the embedded object or applet within a standard HTML document. In this case, the World Wide Web Consortium's <OBJECT> tag is placed within the document body, containing a link to the iHTML program. Where this tag occurs, a graphical object will appear on the page with the referenced program inside it. This can be thought of much as a standard <IMG> tag, but one that is able to do much more than just display static pictures.

For example, to embed a program stored in a file named "my_prog.ipy", which is located in the same directory on the server as the HTML document it is being embedded into, the following markup could be used:

<OBJECT CLASSID="my_prog.ipy">

When an iHTML browser encounters this markup, it will retrieve the "my_prog.ipy" program from the server, and begin executing it inside of the HTML document in which that markup appears.

With an additional tag, arbitrary arguments may be provided to the requested program. This is done with the <PARAM> tag, which allows the attributes NAME and VALUE. For example, we may wish to add a parameter to our program that supplies a set of data items as a Python tuple. This may look like:

<OBJECT CLASSID="my_prog.ipy">
<PARAM NAME="data" VALUE="(10,20,30,40)">

Some <OBJECT> attributes are handled by the iHTML library as parameters. Most importantly, WIDTH and HEIGHT result in the object seeing parameters with names "Width" and "Height", respectively.

Document-level Programs

The second form an iHTML program can take is that of a program occurring in the head of a document. We again make use of the HTML 3.2 <OBJECT> tag: including the CONTEXT attribute in the tag declares this to be a link to an external program, and an iHTML-capable browser will retrieve it from the network and execute it.

To execute a program stored in a file named "my_main.ipy", which is located in the same directory on the server as the HTML document it is to be executed in, the following markup could be used:


Adding a document object changes the browser's behavior in displaying the document. Before being displayed, the document program is executed. This program may then examine and manipulate the document's HTML parse tree, before explicitly telling the browser to display it to the user.

Getting Started

Python programs written for the iHTML system are stored on the server machine in source-code form. When an HTTP request is made for the document, the server should return it with the header:

Content-type: application/ihtml;language=python

This causes an iHTML-capable browser to route the document to the iHTML library, and from there it is passed on to the Python interpreter. You will typically need to configure your HTTP server to send this header. While the exact procedure used to do this depends on the specific server, the following steps will work for NCSA's hpptd:

  1. In the root HTML directory (typically "~/public_html/"), create a file named ".htaccess".
  2. Place the following line into the above file:
    AddType application/x-ihtml;language=python .ipy
  3. Make the file world-readable with "chmod a+r .htaccess"
  4. Now any files in your HTML directory that have the extension .ipy will be given the correct Content-type: header, and can be used as iHTML programs.

Alternatively, HTML documents can explicitly set the "Content-type" when embedding an object, through the "TYPE" and "CODETYPE" attributes of the <OBJECT> tag. For example, the first applet example could also have been written as:

<OBJECT CLASSID="my_prog.ipy" CODETYPE="application/ihtml;language=python">

Basic Programming Guidelines

Program Entry Point

The entry point for an iHTML Python program is a specially-defined symbol that is called by the Python interpreter once the program has been retrieved from the network. It is handed one argument (a dictionary of parameters) and must return an instance of a class appropriate for the type of program being executed. The details for the two program types are as follows:

Embedded Programs
Function Name
args is a dictionary of program arguments. This includes all <PARAM> tags supplied in the markup (the NAME attribute is the key key and the VALUE attribute is its value), as well as certain attributes of the <OBJECT> as described in the Application class. All keys and values in the dictionary are string types.
Return Type
Instance of an Application class.
Document-level Programs
Function Name
args is a dictionary of program arguments. This includes all <PARAM> tags supplied by the user (the NAME attribute is the key key and the VALUE attribute is its value). All keys and values in the dictionary are string types.
Return Type
Instance of a Document class.

In either case, the program entry point is usually a class that is a subclass of either a Document or an Application. When called by Python, the class is instantiated and its __init__() function is called with the program arguments. All of the (possibly modified) arguments dictionary must be passed off to the superclass's __init__() method to be processed

As an example, consider the simplest possible embedded program:

import ihApp

class ihEmbed(ihApp.Application):

    def __init__(self,**args):

        # Send parameters to superclass: a tuple consisting of our
        # self variable, and the dictionary of arguments.


__export__ = ['ihEmbed']

Declaring an External Interface

All iHTML Python programs must define one of two symbols, __export__ and __public__, used to declare which symbols defined by the file should be externally visible. This feature can be seen in the example above, where the __export__ symbol appears on the last line.

The two symbols are mutually exclusive, and provide different ways to control which symbols are visible:

A list of strings naming which symbols in the module that should be externally visible. The interface for the module will be constructed from a dictionary consisting of each of the symbol names in this list, along with the value that has been assigned to them in the module.
A dictionary specifying the exact the module dictionary that should be externally visible. Each entry in the dictionary includes a symbol name and its associated value.

Naming Conventions

In order to prevent potential name-conflicts, it is recommended that Python programs adhere strictly to the following conventions for naming class methods, members and other symbols:

System Classes
All standard iHTML classes use names in which the first character is capitalized, and the following characters are mixed-case with no underscores. For example, "DrawLine()", "Width", etc.
Public Module Classes
Symbols in publically available modules (i.e., modules which will be used by more people than just their creator), should be prepended by a (short) common prefix in which at least the first letter is capitalized, followed by an underscore and lastly the remaining name using the same convention as a system class. For example, "GIS_ClearMap()", "Pk_SetCompression()".
Private Classes
Private user-written classes should use a naming form in which the first character is lower-case, and the remaining characters may be anything. For example, "is_finished()", "lineWidth", etc.

The private names in a class should follow the same rules as described above, except that they should be prepended by a single underscore. Thus "_Buffer" would be a system private variable, "_GIS_Color" a private symbol symbol for a class in a public module, and "_lastSize" a private symbol for a user class.

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Dianne Kyra Hackborn <>
Last modified: Thu Oct 17 21:37:40 PDT 1996

This web page and all material contained herein is Copyright (c) 1997 Dianne Hackborn, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.