The WebTerm Applet

Prompt-Reply Sequences

WebTerm provides an automatic setup feature, utilizing a simple expect-reply sequence. For example, to have WebTerm automatically login as user "guest" with password "foobar" (on a system which prompts with "login: " and "password: "), you might use the following code after the <applet..> tag and before the </applet> tag:
    <param name="prompt1" value="login: ">
    <param name="reply1" value="guest\r\n">
    <param name="prompt2" value="password: ">
    <param name="reply1" value="foobar\r\n">
    <param name="endprompts2" value="true">

Here is a screen image of WebTerm after an automatic login to the oasis catalog at OSU's Valley Library:

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