The Evangelical Perv Association

Adopted May 1, 1996


The name of this organization shall be The Evangelical Perv Association.


Section 1.


Provide social opportunities for the leather community, which is hereafter defined as sadists, masochists, bondage and discipline practitioners, dominants, submissives, gender-benders, fetishists, and other alternative sexualities.

Section 2.

Support and develop the local leather community.

Section 3.

Work with other local groups -- such as the Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Alliance, Lesbian Avengers, ONO, etc. -- to create educational resources about the leather community, including such things as speakers and panels.

Section 4.

This group is specifically not to be a dating service, singles club, or involved in organizing or holding play-parties.


Section 1.

There shall be no membership dues.

Section 2.

The organization shall have two categories of membership: community members and voting members.

Section 3.

Anybody, whether a student or not, may be community members, so long as they have met all other requirements specified below.

Section 4.

Community members shall be granted all priviledges of voting members, except for the ability to vote for or serve as an officer of the group.

Section 5.

All voting members and officers of The Evangelical Perv Association must be "regularly admitted" students of Oregon State University. Community members do not need to meet this requirement.

Section 6.

After attending two (2) regular meeting of the organization, an individual may become a member through a majority vote of all members attending the meeting.

Section 7.

Membership shall not be denied to any student on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, disabled veteran or Vietnam-era veteran status.

Section 8.

An individual's membership in the organization may be revoked through a secret-ballot vote conducted at a regular meeting, called by the Top Perv at least one week in advance. To be removed from the group, at least two-thirds of all attending members must approve the removal.


Section 1.

The officers of The Evangelical Perv Association shall be the Top Perv (or alternatively the Sacrificial Perv) and the Bottom Perv.

Section 2.

The Top Perv and Bottom Perv shall be the only members of the group who can officially speak for the group as a whole.

Section 3.

The Top Perv shall be nominated during a regular meeting in April of each year. Election shall be by secret ballot of all voting members attending the meeting, and the candidate receiving the most votes shall be named Top Perv.

Section 4.

The Top Perv shall be elected to serve for one year or until hir successor is elected, and hir term of office shall begin at the close of the meeting at which sie is elected.

Section 5.

The position of Bottom Perv shall be filled at the discretion of the Top Perv, provided it is done consentually.

Section 6.

The Bottom Perv's primary responsibility will be that of helping the Top Perv run the organization.

Section 7.

Vacancies in the office of Top Perv shall be filled by nomination, and voted upon at a regular meeting by all attending voting members, after following the rules of Section 8 for scheduling the election.

Section 8.

Elections must be announced at the regular meeting at least one week prior to the meeting during which they are to be held. Information about the election shall be distributed to as many members as possible, through such things as electronic mailing lists.

Section 9.

Any voting member may call for the removal of the current Top Perv. If seconded, a secret-ballot vote shall be scheduled not less than one week in advance of the regular meeting at which the vote is to be conducted. If a two-thirds majority then approves the removal, the current Top Perv must immediately step down from office, with the vacancy filled as described in Section 7.

Section 10.

Officers shall have earned at least 6 hours of credit in their most recently completed term. This requirement does not apply to first-term freshman or first-term transfer students.

Section 11.

Officers shall be currently registered for at least 6 hours.

Section 12.

Officers shall not be on disciplinary probation with Oregon State University, though they are welcome to seek other types of discipline scenes if so desired.

Section 13.

Officers shall have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 and not have been on probation for the most recently completed term prior to the term of election.

Section 14.

A graduate student must be a "regularly admitted" student and meet the same requirements as an undergraduate student, with the exception that full-time status shall be a minimum of five (5) credits with a GPA of 3.00


Section 1.

The only required regular meeting of The Evangelical Perv Association shall be a social, called a "munch."

Section 2.

The munch shall be held once a week at a consistent time and place, regardless of the university's schedule.

Section 3.

The munch shall primarily be a social activity, for members of both the university and larger community to meet and interact with each other.

Section 4.

The munch shall provide an informal setting, with food available and scheduled so that people are encouraged to have a meal while attending.

Section 5.

It is encouraged that the organization hold its weekly munch in conjunction with an existing community event, such the BDSM Munch, so long as it meets the requirements specified above.

Section 6.

The organization is encouraged to hold other social activities, such as monthly potlucks.


The Evangelical Perv Association shall have no relationship with or be controlled by any other local, state or national organization.


Section 1.

The Executive Committee shall include the officers of the organization. They shall supervise affairs of the organization between its regular meetings, make recommendations to the organization, perform duties specified in the constitution and by-laws, and attempt to carry out the purposes of the organization as described in Article II. The Executive Commitee shall be subject to the orders of the organization and none of its acts shall conflict with actions taken by the organization.

Section 2.

Other committees, standing or special, shall be appointed by the Top Perv as the organization or the Executive Committee deem necessary to carry on the work of the organization.


One or more academic advisors shall be elected each year in the same manner as the organization's officers. Responsibilities shall be those assigned by Oregon State University's Student Conduct Regulations.


This constitution may be amended at any regular meeting of the group by two-thirds vote, provided the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting. All amendments must be approved by the Student Activities Committee.