
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2005 Palmsource, Inc.
00003  * 
00004  * This software is licensed as described in the file LICENSE, which
00005  * you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
00006  * are also available at http://www.openbinder.org/license.html.
00007  * 
00008  * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
00009  * individuals. For the exact contribution history, see the revision
00010  * history and logs, available at http://www.openbinder.org
00011  */
00013 #ifndef _LOCALEMGRTYPES_H_
00014 #define _LOCALEMGRTYPES_H_
00016 #include <PalmTypes.h>
00018 /***********************************************************************
00019  * Locale Manager errors
00020  **********************************************************************/
00022 /* Locale not known for call to LmLocaleToIndex, or invalid
00023 country or language code.
00024 */
00025 #define lmErrUnknownLocale              (lmErrorClass | 1)
00027 /* Locale index >= LmGetNumLocales().
00028 */
00029 #define lmErrBadLocaleIndex             (lmErrorClass | 2)
00031 /* LmLocaleSettingChoice out of bounds.
00032 */
00033 #define lmErrBadLocaleSettingChoice     (lmErrorClass | 3)
00035 /* Data for locale setting too big for destination.
00036 */
00037 #define lmErrSettingDataOverflow        (lmErrorClass | 4)
00040 /***********************************************************************
00041  * Locale Manager settings (pass to LmGetLocaleSetting)
00042  **********************************************************************/
00044 typedef uint16_t LmLocaleSettingChoice;
00046 /* LmLocaleType
00047 */
00048 #define lmChoiceLocale                  ((LmLocaleSettingChoice)1)
00050 /* char[kMaxCountryNameLen+1] - Name of the country (localized)
00051 */
00052 #define lmChoiceCountryName             ((LmLocaleSettingChoice)5)
00054 /* DateFormatType
00055 */
00056 #define lmChoiceDateFormat              ((LmLocaleSettingChoice)6)
00058 /* DateFormatType
00059 */
00060 #define lmChoiceLongDateFormat          ((LmLocaleSettingChoice)7)
00062 /* TimeFormatType
00063 */
00064 #define lmChoiceTimeFormat              ((LmLocaleSettingChoice)8)
00066 /* uint16_t - Weekday for calendar column 1 (sunday=0, monday=1, etc.)
00067 */
00068 #define lmChoiceWeekStartDay            ((LmLocaleSettingChoice)9)
00070 /* int16_t - Default GMT offset minutes, + for east of GMT, - for west
00071 */
00072 #define lmChoiceTimeZone                ((LmLocaleSettingChoice)10)
00074 /* NumberFormatType - Specifies decimal and thousands separator characters
00075 */
00076 #define lmChoiceNumberFormat            ((LmLocaleSettingChoice)11)
00078 /* char[kMaxCurrencyNameLen+1] - Name of local currency (e.g., "US Dollar")
00079 */
00080 #define lmChoiceCurrencyName            ((LmLocaleSettingChoice)12)
00082 /* char[kMaxCurrencySymbolLen+1] - Currency symbol (e.g., "$")
00083 */
00084 #define lmChoiceCurrencySymbol          ((LmLocaleSettingChoice)13)
00086 /* char[kMaxCurrencySymbolLen+1] - Unique currency symbol (e.g., "US$")
00087 */
00088 #define lmChoiceUniqueCurrencySymbol    ((LmLocaleSettingChoice)14)
00090 /* uint16_t - Number of decimals for currency (e.g., 2 for $10.12)
00091 */
00092 #define lmChoiceCurrencyDecimalPlaces   ((LmLocaleSettingChoice)15)
00094 /* MeasurementSystemType - Metric, English, etc.
00095 */
00096 #define lmChoiceMeasurementSystem       ((LmLocaleSettingChoice)16)
00098 /* Boolean - Does locale support Chinese Lunar Calendar?
00099 */
00100 #define lmChoiceSupportsLunarCalendar   ((LmLocaleSettingChoice)17)
00102 /* CharEncodingType - First attempt at SMS encoding
00103 */
00104 #define lmChoicePrimarySMSEncoding      ((LmLocaleSettingChoice)18)
00106 /* CharEncodingType - Second attempt at SMS encoding
00107 */
00108 #define lmChoiceSecondarySMSEncoding    ((LmLocaleSettingChoice)19)
00110 /* CharEncodingType - First attempt at Email encoding
00111 */
00112 #define lmChoicePrimaryEmailEncoding    ((LmLocaleSettingChoice)20)
00114 /* CharEncodingType - Second attempt at Email encoding
00115 */
00116 #define lmChoiceSecondaryEmailEncoding  ((LmLocaleSettingChoice)21)
00118 /* CharEncodingType - Outbound encoding for vObjects
00119 */
00120 #define lmChoiceOutboundVObjectEncoding ((LmLocaleSettingChoice)22)
00122 /* CharEncodingType - Inbound encoding for vObjects with no CHARSET property
00123 */
00124 #define lmChoiceInboundDefaultVObjectEncoding   ((LmLocaleSettingChoice)23)
00126 /***********************************************************************
00127  * Locale Manager constants
00128  **********************************************************************/
00130 #define kMaxCountryNameLen      31
00131 #define kMaxCurrencyNameLen     31
00132 #define kMaxCurrencySymbolLen   10
00134 /***********************************************************************
00135  * Locale constants
00136  **********************************************************************/
00138 #define lmAnyLanguage       ((LmLanguageType)'\?\?')
00139 #define lmAnyCountry        ((LmCountryType)'\?\?')
00141 /* Language codes (ISO 639).
00142 */
00143 #define lAfar               ((LmLanguageType)'aa')
00144 #define lAbkhazian          ((LmLanguageType)'ab')
00145 #define lAfrikaans          ((LmLanguageType)'af')
00146 #define lAmharic            ((LmLanguageType)'am')
00147 #define lArabic             ((LmLanguageType)'ar')
00148 #define lAssamese           ((LmLanguageType)'as')
00149 #define lAymara             ((LmLanguageType)'ay')
00150 #define lAzerbaijani        ((LmLanguageType)'az')
00151 #define lBashkir            ((LmLanguageType)'ba')
00152 #define lByelorussian       ((LmLanguageType)'be')
00153 #define lBulgarian          ((LmLanguageType)'bg')
00154 #define lBihari             ((LmLanguageType)'bh')
00155 #define lBislama            ((LmLanguageType)'bi')
00156 #define lBengali            ((LmLanguageType)'bn')  // Bangla
00157 #define lTibetan            ((LmLanguageType)'bo')
00158 #define lBreton             ((LmLanguageType)'br')
00159 #define lCatalan            ((LmLanguageType)'ca')
00160 #define lCorsican           ((LmLanguageType)'co')
00161 #define lCzech              ((LmLanguageType)'cs')
00162 #define lWelsh              ((LmLanguageType)'cy')
00163 #define lDanish             ((LmLanguageType)'da')
00164 #define lGerman             ((LmLanguageType)'de')
00165 #define lBhutani            ((LmLanguageType)'dz')
00166 #define lGreek              ((LmLanguageType)'el')
00167 #define lEnglish            ((LmLanguageType)'en')
00168 #define lEsperanto          ((LmLanguageType)'eo')
00169 #define lSpanish            ((LmLanguageType)'es')
00170 #define lEstonian           ((LmLanguageType)'et')
00171 #define lBasque             ((LmLanguageType)'eu')
00172 #define lPersian            ((LmLanguageType)'fa')  // Farsi
00173 #define lFinnish            ((LmLanguageType)'fi')
00174 #define lFiji               ((LmLanguageType)'fj')
00175 #define lFaroese            ((LmLanguageType)'fo')
00176 #define lFrench             ((LmLanguageType)'fr')
00177 #define lFrisian            ((LmLanguageType)'fy')
00178 #define lIrish              ((LmLanguageType)'ga')
00179 #define lScotsGaelic        ((LmLanguageType)'gd')
00180 #define lGalician           ((LmLanguageType)'gl')
00181 #define lGuarani            ((LmLanguageType)'gn')
00182 #define lGujarati           ((LmLanguageType)'gu')
00183 #define lHausa              ((LmLanguageType)'ha')
00184 #define lHindi              ((LmLanguageType)'hi')
00185 #define lCroatian           ((LmLanguageType)'hr')
00186 #define lHungarian          ((LmLanguageType)'hu')
00187 #define lArmenian           ((LmLanguageType)'hy')
00188 #define lInterlingua        ((LmLanguageType)'ia')
00189 #define lInterlingue        ((LmLanguageType)'ie')
00190 #define lInupiak            ((LmLanguageType)'ik')
00191 #define lIndonesian         ((LmLanguageType)'in')
00192 #define lIcelandic          ((LmLanguageType)'is')
00193 #define lItalian            ((LmLanguageType)'it')
00194 #define lHebrew             ((LmLanguageType)'iw')
00195 #define lYiddish            ((LmLanguageType)'ji')
00196 #define lJapanese           ((LmLanguageType)'ja')  // Palm calls uses 'jp' in DB names
00197 #define lJavanese           ((LmLanguageType)'jw')
00198 #define lGeorgian           ((LmLanguageType)'ka')
00199 #define lKazakh             ((LmLanguageType)'kk')
00200 #define lGreenlandic        ((LmLanguageType)'kl')
00201 #define lCambodian          ((LmLanguageType)'km')
00202 #define lKannada            ((LmLanguageType)'kn')
00203 #define lKorean             ((LmLanguageType)'ko')
00204 #define lKashmiri           ((LmLanguageType)'ks')
00205 #define lKurdish            ((LmLanguageType)'ku')
00206 #define lKirghiz            ((LmLanguageType)'ky')
00207 #define lLatin              ((LmLanguageType)'la')
00208 #define lLingala            ((LmLanguageType)'ln')
00209 #define lLaothian           ((LmLanguageType)'lo')
00210 #define lLithuanian         ((LmLanguageType)'lt')
00211 #define lLatvian            ((LmLanguageType)'lv')  // Lettish
00212 #define lMalagasy           ((LmLanguageType)'ng')
00213 #define lMaori              ((LmLanguageType)'mi')
00214 #define lMacedonian         ((LmLanguageType)'mk')
00215 #define lMalayalam          ((LmLanguageType)'ml')
00216 #define lMongolian          ((LmLanguageType)'mn')
00217 #define lMoldavian          ((LmLanguageType)'mo')
00218 #define lMarathi            ((LmLanguageType)'mr')
00219 #define lMalay              ((LmLanguageType)'ms')
00220 #define lMaltese            ((LmLanguageType)'mt')
00221 #define lBurmese            ((LmLanguageType)'my')
00222 #define lNauru              ((LmLanguageType)'na')
00223 #define lNepali             ((LmLanguageType)'ne')
00224 #define lDutch              ((LmLanguageType)'nl')
00225 #define lNorwegian          ((LmLanguageType)'no')
00226 #define lOccitan            ((LmLanguageType)'oc')
00227 #define lAfan               ((LmLanguageType)'om')  // Oromo
00228 #define lOriya              ((LmLanguageType)'or')
00229 #define lPunjabi            ((LmLanguageType)'pa')
00230 #define lPolish             ((LmLanguageType)'pl')
00231 #define lPashto             ((LmLanguageType)'ps')  // Pushto
00232 #define lPortuguese         ((LmLanguageType)'pt')
00233 #define lQuechua            ((LmLanguageType)'qu')
00234 #define lRhaetoRomance      ((LmLanguageType)'rm')
00235 #define lKurundi            ((LmLanguageType)'rn')
00236 #define lRomanian           ((LmLanguageType)'ro')
00237 #define lRussian            ((LmLanguageType)'ru')
00238 #define lKinyarwanda        ((LmLanguageType)'rw')
00239 #define lSanskrit           ((LmLanguageType)'sa')
00240 #define lSindhi             ((LmLanguageType)'sd')
00241 #define lSangho             ((LmLanguageType)'sg')
00242 #define lSerboCroatian      ((LmLanguageType)'sh')
00243 #define lSinghalese         ((LmLanguageType)'si')
00244 #define lSlovak             ((LmLanguageType)'sk')
00245 #define lSlovenian          ((LmLanguageType)'sl')
00246 #define lSamoan             ((LmLanguageType)'sm')
00247 #define lShona              ((LmLanguageType)'sn')
00248 #define lSomali             ((LmLanguageType)'so')
00249 #define lAlbanian           ((LmLanguageType)'sq')
00250 #define lSerbian            ((LmLanguageType)'sr')
00251 #define lSiswati            ((LmLanguageType)'ss')
00252 #define lSesotho            ((LmLanguageType)'st')
00253 #define lSudanese           ((LmLanguageType)'su')
00254 #define lSwedish            ((LmLanguageType)'sv')
00255 #define lSwahili            ((LmLanguageType)'sw')
00256 #define lTamil              ((LmLanguageType)'ta')
00257 #define lTelugu             ((LmLanguageType)'te')
00258 #define lTajik              ((LmLanguageType)'tg')
00259 #define lThai               ((LmLanguageType)'th')
00260 #define lTigrinya           ((LmLanguageType)'ti')
00261 #define lTurkmen            ((LmLanguageType)'tk')
00262 #define lTagalog            ((LmLanguageType)'tl')
00263 #define lSetswana           ((LmLanguageType)'tn')
00264 #define lTonga              ((LmLanguageType)'to')
00265 #define lTurkish            ((LmLanguageType)'tr')
00266 #define lTsonga             ((LmLanguageType)'ts')
00267 #define lTatar              ((LmLanguageType)'tt')
00268 #define lTwi                ((LmLanguageType)'tw')
00269 #define lUkrainian          ((LmLanguageType)'uk')
00270 #define lUrdu               ((LmLanguageType)'ur')
00271 #define lUzbek              ((LmLanguageType)'uz')
00272 #define lVietnamese         ((LmLanguageType)'vi')
00273 #define lVolapuk            ((LmLanguageType)'vo')
00274 #define lWolof              ((LmLanguageType)'wo')
00275 #define lXhosa              ((LmLanguageType)'xh')
00276 #define lYoruba             ((LmLanguageType)'yo')
00277 #define lChinese            ((LmLanguageType)'zh')
00278 #define lZulu               ((LmLanguageType)'zu')
00280 /* Country codes (ISO 3166).
00281 */
00282 #define cAndorra                    ((LmCountryType)'AD')
00283 #define cUnitedArabEmirates         ((LmCountryType)'AE')
00284 #define cAfghanistan                ((LmCountryType)'AF')
00285 #define cAntiguaAndBarbuda          ((LmCountryType)'AG')
00286 #define cAnguilla                   ((LmCountryType)'AI')
00287 #define cAlbania                    ((LmCountryType)'AL')
00288 #define cArmenia                    ((LmCountryType)'AM')
00289 #define cNetherlandsAntilles        ((LmCountryType)'AN')
00290 #define cAngola                     ((LmCountryType)'AO')
00291 #define cAntarctica                 ((LmCountryType)'AQ')
00292 #define cArgentina                  ((LmCountryType)'AR')
00293 #define cAmericanSamoa              ((LmCountryType)'AS')
00294 #define cAustria                    ((LmCountryType)'AT')
00295 #define cAustralia                  ((LmCountryType)'AU')
00296 #define cAruba                      ((LmCountryType)'AW')
00297 #define cAzerbaijan                 ((LmCountryType)'AZ')
00298 #define cBosniaAndHerzegovina       ((LmCountryType)'BA')
00299 #define cBarbados                   ((LmCountryType)'BB')
00300 #define cBangladesh                 ((LmCountryType)'BD')
00301 #define cBelgium                    ((LmCountryType)'BE')
00302 #define cBurkinaFaso                ((LmCountryType)'BF')
00303 #define cBulgaria                   ((LmCountryType)'BG')
00304 #define cBahrain                    ((LmCountryType)'BH')
00305 #define cBurundi                    ((LmCountryType)'BI')
00306 #define cBenin                      ((LmCountryType)'BJ')
00307 #define cBermuda                    ((LmCountryType)'BM')
00308 #define cBruneiDarussalam           ((LmCountryType)'BN')
00309 #define cBolivia                    ((LmCountryType)'BO')
00310 #define cBrazil                     ((LmCountryType)'BR')
00311 #define cBahamas                    ((LmCountryType)'BS')
00312 #define cBhutan                     ((LmCountryType)'BT')
00313 #define cBouvetIsland               ((LmCountryType)'BV')
00314 #define cBotswana                   ((LmCountryType)'BW')
00315 #define cBelarus                    ((LmCountryType)'BY')
00316 #define cBelize                     ((LmCountryType)'BZ')
00317 #define cCanada                     ((LmCountryType)'CA')
00318 #define cCocosIslands               ((LmCountryType)'CC')
00319 #define cDemocraticRepublicOfTheCongo   ((LmCountryType)'CD')
00320 #define cCentralAfricanRepublic     ((LmCountryType)'CF')
00321 #define cCongo                      ((LmCountryType)'CG')
00322 #define cSwitzerland                ((LmCountryType)'CH')
00323 #define cIvoryCoast                 ((LmCountryType)'CI')
00324 #define cCookIslands                ((LmCountryType)'CK')
00325 #define cChile                      ((LmCountryType)'CL')
00326 #define cCameroon                   ((LmCountryType)'CM')
00327 #define cChina                      ((LmCountryType)'CN')
00328 #define cColumbia                   ((LmCountryType)'CO')
00329 #define cCostaRica                  ((LmCountryType)'CR')
00330 #define cCuba                       ((LmCountryType)'CU')
00331 #define cCapeVerde                  ((LmCountryType)'CV')
00332 #define cChristmasIsland            ((LmCountryType)'CX')
00333 #define cCyprus                     ((LmCountryType)'CY')
00334 #define cCzechRepublic              ((LmCountryType)'CZ')
00335 #define cGermany                    ((LmCountryType)'DE')
00336 #define cDjibouti                   ((LmCountryType)'DJ')
00337 #define cDenmark                    ((LmCountryType)'DK')
00338 #define cDominica                   ((LmCountryType)'DM')
00339 #define cDominicanRepublic          ((LmCountryType)'DO')
00340 #define cAlgeria                    ((LmCountryType)'DZ')
00341 #define cEcuador                    ((LmCountryType)'EC')
00342 #define cEstonia                    ((LmCountryType)'EE')
00343 #define cEgypt                      ((LmCountryType)'EG')
00344 #define cWesternSahara              ((LmCountryType)'EH')
00345 #define cEritrea                    ((LmCountryType)'ER')
00346 #define cSpain                      ((LmCountryType)'ES')
00347 #define cEthiopia                   ((LmCountryType)'ET')
00348 #define cFinland                    ((LmCountryType)'FI')
00349 #define cFiji                       ((LmCountryType)'FJ')
00350 #define cFalklandIslands            ((LmCountryType)'FK')
00351 #define cMicronesia                 ((LmCountryType)'FM')
00352 #define cFaeroeIslands              ((LmCountryType)'FO')
00353 #define cFrance                     ((LmCountryType)'FR')
00354 #define cMetropolitanFrance         ((LmCountryType)'FX')
00355 #define cGabon                      ((LmCountryType)'GA')
00356 #define cUnitedKingdom              ((LmCountryType)'GB')   // UK
00357 #define cGrenada                    ((LmCountryType)'GD')
00358 #define cGeorgia                    ((LmCountryType)'GE')
00359 #define cFrenchGuiana               ((LmCountryType)'GF')
00360 #define cGhana                      ((LmCountryType)'GH')
00361 #define cGibraltar                  ((LmCountryType)'GI')
00362 #define cGreenland                  ((LmCountryType)'GL')
00363 #define cGambia                     ((LmCountryType)'GM')
00364 #define cGuinea                     ((LmCountryType)'GN')
00365 #define cGuadeloupe                 ((LmCountryType)'GP')
00366 #define cEquatorialGuinea           ((LmCountryType)'GQ')
00367 #define cGreece                     ((LmCountryType)'GR')
00368 #define cSouthGeorgiaAndTheSouthSandwichIslands ((LmCountryType)'GS')
00369 #define cGuatemala                  ((LmCountryType)'GT')
00370 #define cGuam                       ((LmCountryType)'GU')
00371 #define cGuineaBisseu               ((LmCountryType)'GW')
00372 #define cGuyana                     ((LmCountryType)'GY')
00373 #define cHongKong                   ((LmCountryType)'HK')
00374 #define cHeardAndMcDonaldIslands    ((LmCountryType)'HM')
00375 #define cHonduras                   ((LmCountryType)'HN')
00376 #define cCroatia                    ((LmCountryType)'HR')
00377 #define cHaiti                      ((LmCountryType)'HT')
00378 #define cHungary                    ((LmCountryType)'HU')
00379 #define cIndonesia                  ((LmCountryType)'ID')
00380 #define cIreland                    ((LmCountryType)'IE')
00381 #define cIsrael                     ((LmCountryType)'IL')
00382 #define cIndia                      ((LmCountryType)'IN')
00383 #define cBritishIndianOceanTerritory    ((LmCountryType)'IO')
00384 #define cIraq                       ((LmCountryType)'IQ')
00385 #define cIran                       ((LmCountryType)'IR')
00386 #define cIceland                    ((LmCountryType)'IS')
00387 #define cItaly                      ((LmCountryType)'IT')
00388 #define cJamaica                    ((LmCountryType)'JM')
00389 #define cJordan                     ((LmCountryType)'JO')
00390 #define cJapan                      ((LmCountryType)'JP')
00391 #define cKenya                      ((LmCountryType)'KE')
00392 #define cKyrgyzstan                 ((LmCountryType)'KG')   // Kirgistan
00393 #define cCambodia                   ((LmCountryType)'KH')
00394 #define cKiribati                   ((LmCountryType)'KI')
00395 #define cComoros                    ((LmCountryType)'KM')
00396 #define cStKittsAndNevis            ((LmCountryType)'KN')
00397 #define cDemocraticPeoplesRepublicOfKorea   ((LmCountryType)'KP')
00398 #define cRepublicOfKorea            ((LmCountryType)'KR')
00399 #define cKuwait                     ((LmCountryType)'KW')
00400 #define cCaymanIslands              ((LmCountryType)'KY')
00401 #define cKazakhstan                 ((LmCountryType)'KK')
00402 #define cLaos                       ((LmCountryType)'LA')
00403 #define cLebanon                    ((LmCountryType)'LB')
00404 #define cStLucia                    ((LmCountryType)'LC')
00405 #define cLiechtenstein              ((LmCountryType)'LI')
00406 #define cSriLanka                   ((LmCountryType)'LK')
00407 #define cLiberia                    ((LmCountryType)'LR')
00408 #define cLesotho                    ((LmCountryType)'LS')
00409 #define cLithuania                  ((LmCountryType)'LT')
00410 #define cLuxembourg                 ((LmCountryType)'LU')
00411 #define cLatvia                     ((LmCountryType)'LV')
00412 #define cLibya                      ((LmCountryType)'LY')
00413 #define cMorocco                    ((LmCountryType)'MA')
00414 #define cMonaco                     ((LmCountryType)'MC')
00415 #define cMoldova                    ((LmCountryType)'MD')
00416 #define cMadagascar                 ((LmCountryType)'MG')
00417 #define cMarshallIslands            ((LmCountryType)'MH')
00418 #define cMacedonia                  ((LmCountryType)'MK')
00419 #define cMali                       ((LmCountryType)'ML')
00420 #define cMyanmar                    ((LmCountryType)'MM')
00421 #define cMongolia                   ((LmCountryType)'MN')
00422 #define cMacau                      ((LmCountryType)'MO')
00423 #define cNorthernMarianaIslands     ((LmCountryType)'MP')
00424 #define cMartinique                 ((LmCountryType)'MQ')
00425 #define cMauritania                 ((LmCountryType)'MR')
00426 #define cMontserrat                 ((LmCountryType)'MS')
00427 #define cMalta                      ((LmCountryType)'MT')
00428 #define cMauritius                  ((LmCountryType)'MU')
00429 #define cMaldives                   ((LmCountryType)'MV')
00430 #define cMalawi                     ((LmCountryType)'MW')
00431 #define cMexico                     ((LmCountryType)'MX')
00432 #define cMalaysia                   ((LmCountryType)'MY')
00433 #define cMozambique                 ((LmCountryType)'MZ')
00434 #define cNamibia                    ((LmCountryType)'NA')
00435 #define cNewCaledonia               ((LmCountryType)'NC')
00436 #define cNiger                      ((LmCountryType)'NE')
00437 #define cNorfolkIsland              ((LmCountryType)'NF')
00438 #define cNigeria                    ((LmCountryType)'NG')
00439 #define cNicaragua                  ((LmCountryType)'NI')
00440 #define cNetherlands                ((LmCountryType)'NL')
00441 #define cNorway                     ((LmCountryType)'NO')
00442 #define cNepal                      ((LmCountryType)'NP')
00443 #define cNauru                      ((LmCountryType)'NR')
00444 #define cNiue                       ((LmCountryType)'NU')
00445 #define cNewZealand                 ((LmCountryType)'NZ')
00446 #define cOman                       ((LmCountryType)'OM')
00447 #define cPanama                     ((LmCountryType)'PA')
00448 #define cPeru                       ((LmCountryType)'PE')
00449 #define cFrenchPolynesia            ((LmCountryType)'PF')
00450 #define cPapuaNewGuinea             ((LmCountryType)'PG')
00451 #define cPhilippines                ((LmCountryType)'PH')
00452 #define cPakistan                   ((LmCountryType)'PK')
00453 #define cPoland                     ((LmCountryType)'PL')
00454 #define cStPierreAndMiquelon        ((LmCountryType)'PM')
00455 #define cPitcairn                   ((LmCountryType)'PN')
00456 #define cPuertoRico                 ((LmCountryType)'PR')
00457 #define cPortugal                   ((LmCountryType)'PT')
00458 #define cPalau                      ((LmCountryType)'PW')
00459 #define cParaguay                   ((LmCountryType)'PY')
00460 #define cQatar                      ((LmCountryType)'QA')
00461 #define cReunion                    ((LmCountryType)'RE')
00462 #define cRomania                    ((LmCountryType)'RO')
00463 #define cRussianFederation          ((LmCountryType)'RU')
00464 #define cRwanda                     ((LmCountryType)'RW')
00465 #define cSaudiArabia                ((LmCountryType)'SA')
00466 #define cSolomonIslands             ((LmCountryType)'SB')
00467 #define cSeychelles                 ((LmCountryType)'SC')
00468 #define cSudan                      ((LmCountryType)'SD')
00469 #define cSweden                     ((LmCountryType)'SE')
00470 #define cSingapore                  ((LmCountryType)'SG')
00471 #define cStHelena                   ((LmCountryType)'SH')
00472 #define cSlovenia                   ((LmCountryType)'SI')
00473 #define cSvalbardAndJanMayenIslands ((LmCountryType)'SJ')
00474 #define cSlovakia                   ((LmCountryType)'SK')
00475 #define cSierraLeone                ((LmCountryType)'SL')
00476 #define cSanMarino                  ((LmCountryType)'SM')
00477 #define cSenegal                    ((LmCountryType)'SN')
00478 #define cSomalia                    ((LmCountryType)'SO')
00479 #define cSuriname                   ((LmCountryType)'SR')
00480 #define cSaoTomeAndPrincipe         ((LmCountryType)'ST')
00481 #define cElSalvador                 ((LmCountryType)'SV')
00482 #define cSyrianArabRepublic         ((LmCountryType)'SY')
00483 #define cSwaziland                  ((LmCountryType)'SZ')
00484 #define cTurksAndCaicosIslands      ((LmCountryType)'TC')
00485 #define cChad                       ((LmCountryType)'TD')
00486 #define cFrenchSouthernTerritories  ((LmCountryType)'TF')
00487 #define cTogo                       ((LmCountryType)'TG')
00488 #define cThailand                   ((LmCountryType)'TH')
00489 #define cTajikistan                 ((LmCountryType)'TJ')
00490 #define cTokelau                    ((LmCountryType)'TK')
00491 #define cTurkmenistan               ((LmCountryType)'TM')
00492 #define cTunisia                    ((LmCountryType)'TN')
00493 #define cTonga                      ((LmCountryType)'TO')
00494 #define cEastTimor                  ((LmCountryType)'TP')
00495 #define cTurkey                     ((LmCountryType)'TR')
00496 #define cTrinidadAndTobago          ((LmCountryType)'TT')
00497 #define cTuvalu                     ((LmCountryType)'TV')
00498 #define cTaiwan                     ((LmCountryType)'TW')
00499 #define cTanzania                   ((LmCountryType)'TZ')
00500 #define cUkraine                    ((LmCountryType)'UA')
00501 #define cUganda                     ((LmCountryType)'UG')
00502 #define cUnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands   ((LmCountryType)'UM')
00503 #define cUnitedStates               ((LmCountryType)'US')
00504 #define cUruguay                    ((LmCountryType)'UY')
00505 #define cUzbekistan                 ((LmCountryType)'UZ')
00506 #define cHolySee                    ((LmCountryType)'VA')
00507 #define cStVincentAndTheGrenadines  ((LmCountryType)'VC')
00508 #define cVenezuela                  ((LmCountryType)'VE')
00509 #define cBritishVirginIslands       ((LmCountryType)'VG')
00510 #define cUSVirginIslands            ((LmCountryType)'VI')
00511 #define cVietNam                    ((LmCountryType)'VN')
00512 #define cVanuatu                    ((LmCountryType)'VU')
00513 #define cWallisAndFutunaIslands     ((LmCountryType)'WF')
00514 #define cSamoa                      ((LmCountryType)'WS')
00515 #define cYemen                      ((LmCountryType)'YE')
00516 #define cMayotte                    ((LmCountryType)'YT')
00517 #define cYugoslavia                 ((LmCountryType)'YU')
00518 #define cSouthAfrica                ((LmCountryType)'ZA')
00519 #define cZambia                     ((LmCountryType)'ZM')
00520 #define cZimbabwe                   ((LmCountryType)'ZW')
00522 /***********************************************************************
00523  * Locale Manager types
00524  **********************************************************************/
00526 // The number format (thousands separator and decimal point).  This defines
00527 // how numbers are formatted and not neccessarily currency numbers (i.e. Switzerland).
00528 typedef Enum8 NumberFormatType ;
00530 typedef uint8_t LanguageType;
00531 typedef uint8_t CountryType;
00533 typedef uint16_t LmLanguageType;
00534 typedef uint16_t LmCountryType;
00536 typedef struct _LmLocaleType LmLocaleType;
00537 struct _LmLocaleType
00538 {
00539     LmLanguageType  language;       // Language spoken in locale
00540     LmCountryType   country;        // Country of locale.
00541 };
00543 #endif // _LOCALEMGRTYPES_H_