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Alaska Trip: Landscapes

The view of Endicott Arm from the ship on the first morning of the cruise.

I like how you can so clearly see here the way the glacier carved out the mountain.

Notice the two bodies of water coming together: the clear one on the top/right, and the more silty one on the bottom/left.

It is cloudy most of the time.

Sea birds flying below a low-hanging cloud.

There are a lot of small rock surfaces jutting out of the water, left by the glaciers.

Due to the fog, landscape features tend to fade out quickly as they get more distant.

Fog rolling up over the hill.

Looking out to sea.

Nice mix of the small rocks and the foreground and faded layers of mountains in the background.

Birds hanging out on a rock.

Waking up in the Bay of Pillars.

The play of light in the fog and clouds as the sun came up was beautiful.

Another view of morning in the Bay of Pillars.

My, what a big cloud you have.

Is that a rainbow?

The end of the day is coming...

Sunset on our last day.

Dianne Kyra Hackborn <hackbod@angryredplanet.com>
Last modified: September, 2005

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