Corky and Violet

Corky, She Who Loves String.

Violet, She Who Is Just Plain Weird.

When I first moved into my house, I tried growing some catnip. Violet loved it.

I mean Violet really loved it.

She really, really really...

...really, hugely loved it.

In fact she loved the life out of it. Bummer.

Unable to accept defeat, I went back to the nursery, got another catnip plant, and tried a new approach.

Success! Now I have a nice big catnip plant, grown up to the point where it can survive a little rough play from Violet.

And of course Corky quite likes the catnip plant as well, in her own way.

If you didn't already figure it out, Corky and Violet are named after characters in the movie Bound.

The names ended up matching better than I expected. These are typical butch vs. femme poses from them.

Violet getting friendly with a fur scarf; Corky wouldn't be caught dead doing something like this.

I'm sorry, but I just think Violet is painfully cute.

Corky is clearly a stud.

Stay out of my catnip!

Awwww, aren't they sweet?

Usually the sweet moments don't last long.

Corky knows how to pose.

For some reason I really like this picture.

Corky enjoying the grass (yes, these pictures are starting to get gratuitous).

A happy violet coming out from the garden.

Dianne Kyra Hackborn <>
Last modified: June, 2005

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