This project is no longer being maintained: it was developed for my masters thesis, which was completed in early 1997. I still, however, welcome any questions or comments that people may have.

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iHTML Architecture

Browser Services

The iHTML architecture defines a number of functions and data types that must be implemented as part of a browser's glue. While all functions must be defined by the browser, some can be left as stubs in browsers that do not support those services. For example, text-based browsers will not implement the graphic-specific user interface functions.

While all of these are classified as "browser services" by the iHTML architecture, an implementation typically locates specific functions in its browser or operating system glue. This division is noted by the browser and system, respectively, marks below.

The browser's services are divided into seven categories:

HTML Parse Trees (browser)
Access to, and manipulation of, the browser's internal HTML parse tree representation.
Documents (browser)
Global control of the current HTML document being displayed and the browser itself.
URLs (browser)
Parsing and retrieving URLs.
Events (browser/system)
User interface and system events that the browser uses to inform the rest of the system of activity.
User Interface (system)
Creating and interacting with graphical user interfaces.
Shared Libraries (system)
Loading, examining, and unloading OS-level shared libraries.
Miscellaneous (browser/system)
Various other routines that do not fall into one of the above groups.

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Dianne Kyra Hackborn <>
Last modified: Sat Oct 26 19:54:35 PDT 1996

This web page and all material contained herein is Copyright (c) 1997 Dianne Hackborn, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.