This project is no longer being maintained: it was developed for my masters thesis, which was completed in early 1997. I still, however, welcome any questions or comments that people may have.

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iHTML Browser Services


This module defines the types and functions needed to access a browser's internal networking and URL handling mechanism. This allows the system to take advantage of this functionality that is already built into the browser, and for the browser to regulate the system's network access. These services are typically implemented as part of the browser's glue, and must be implemented for the iHTML system to work.


Function called as data becomes available from a URL transaction.
typedef IHRetrieveRequestP (*IHRetrieveCallback)
     IH_PROTO((IHGlobalInfo* interface,
	       IHRetrieveRequestP request,
	       void* userdata));
(IHGlobalInfo*) interface
The document scripting interface that initiated this request.
(IHRetrieveRequestP) request
The actual transaction request
(void*) userdata
Arbitrary user data that was attached to the transaction when it was created.
(IHRetrieveRequestP) The request that was handed to the callback, or NULL if this callback is finished.
See Also
IHRetrieveRequestP, BR_RetrieveURL(),

This is the definition of the function callback that is used to inform the owner of a transaction of data as it becomes available.

Handle on a URL transaction.
void* (This is an opaque type that is defined by the browser's internal implementation.)
See Also
IHReqStatus, IHRetrieveCallback

An abstract handle on a URL transaction that is currently active in the browser.

An enumeration of the possible states a URL transaction can be in.
typedef enum {
  IHReqFinished    = 0x0001,   /* All data is available */
  IHReqIncomplete  = 0x0002,   /* Not all data has been retrieved. */
  IHReqInteractive = 0x0003    /* This is an interactive connection */
} IHReqStatus;
See Also

This type is used to represent the current status of a URL transaction. The currently defined values are shown above.


void BR_DerefRetrieveRequest(IHRetrieveRequestP req)
(IHRetrieveRequestP) req
Transaction request to remove reference from.
See Also
IHRetrieveCallback, IHRetrieveRequestP, BR_RetrieveURL()

Removes a reference from the IHRetrieveRequestP. If this is the last reference on it, it is deallocated. Normally, a request made by BR_RetrieveURL() starts with two references -- one for the callback hook, and one returned immediately to the caller. Both of these functions must dereference it for it to be deallocated.

BR_GetRequestBuffer / BR_SetRequestBuffer
IHBufferP BR_GetRequestBuffer(IHRetrieveRequestP req, int read)
IHBufferP BR_SetRequestBuffer(IHRetrieveRequestP req, IHBufferP buffer)
(IHRetrieveRequestP) req
Transaction request.
(int) read
Flag: if non-zero, read all available data into the buffer.
(IHBufferP) buffer
New buffer to place in transaction request.
(IHBufferP) The current buffer of URL data.
See Also
IHRetrieveRequestP, IHBufferP, BR_RetrieveURL()

These functions are a higher-level interface for reading data from a URL. BR_GetRequestBuffer() returns the current data buffer; if read is TRUE, all available data will be read into the buffer before it is returned. This function detaches the buffer from the request -- it is now the responsibility of the caller to deallocate it when done.

BR_SetRequestBuffer() sets the current buffer for a request. This puts it under the respondibility of the request to deallocate or otherwise manipulate it; a subsequent call to BR_GetRequestBuffer() will return the given buffer.

Note that when the callback returns, any data that hasn't yet been read from the URL will automatically be appended to the current buffer. (Or a new buffer created, if one doesn't exist.)

These functions will typically be used together to read a URL. When the request callback starts, it can use BR_GetRequestBuffer() to retrieve the available data and examine it; if it wants to save that data for later and start fresh with the next batch, this is all that needs to be done.

For successively collecting data, the previously retrieved buffer (after any desired modifications) may be given back to the request with BR_SetRequestBuffer(). Further data can then be appended to the buffer after subsequent runs through the callback.

const char* = BR_GetRequestHeader(IHRetrieveRequestP req, const char* name)
(IHRetrieveRequestP) req
Active transaction request.
(const char*) name
Name of transaction header to retrieve.
(const char*) The text associated with the requested header.
See Also

Returns a string of the value that this transaction request has for the given header. Note that since these headers must be retrieved from the network, they are not immediately available; the program should wait until after its contact to access the transaction's header information.

The available header names are scheme-dependent. For the http: scheme, they are the standard MIME headers, such as Content-type. Note that the trailing ':' is not included in header names.

IHReqStatus = BR_GetRequestStatus(IHRetrieveRequestP req)
(IHRetrieveRequestP) req
Active transaction request.
(IHReqStatus) The current status of this transaction.
See Also
IHRetrieveRequestP, IHReqStatus

Returns the current status of the given URL transaction request.

const char* = BR_GetRequestURL(IHRetrieveRequestP req)
(IHRetrieveRequestP) req
Active transaction request.
(const char*) The ASCII URL this transaction request is for.
See Also

Returns a string representing the URL that this transaction request was created to retrieve.

IHRetrieveRequestP BR_RetrieveURL(IHGlobalInfo* gi, const char* url, IHRetrieveCallback callback, void* userdata)
(IHGlobalInfo*) gi
Scripting interface that is making the request.
(const char*) url
Name of URL to retrieve. This may be a relative URL, in which case its base is taken from the scripting interface.
(IHRetrieveCallback) callback
Function to call as data becomes available.
(void*) userdata
Arbitrary user data that can be associated with the request.
(IHRetrieveRequestP) The new URL transaction request.
See Also
IHRetrieveCallback, IHRetrieveRequestP

Retrieves the given URL from the network. This function may or may not finish before returning; you must not expect any data to be available until the callback is called, which may not be able to happen until control is eventually returned back the browser's event loop.

The resulting IHRetrieveRequestP is owned both by the caller and the given callback function; both must indicate that they are done with it for it to be deallocated. This is accomplished from the caller by calling BR_DerefRetrieveRequest() on the request returned by this function, and from the callback by returning a NULL result.

The function returns a IHRetrieveRequestP structure, which contains information about this request. If NULL is returned, the request failed.

A special URL scheme of the form "tcp://machine:port" is defined by the iHTML system, and must be implemented by the browser. This opens an interactive TCP/IP socket with the given machine and at the given port number. In this case, the returned IHRetrieveRequest is guaranteed to be interactive; the application may write data through calls to BR_WriteRequestBuffer(), and the IHRetrieveCallback function is called whenever one or more bytes of data come over the network.

void BR_WriteRequestBuffer(IHRetrieveRequestP req, IHBufferP buffer)
(IHRetrieveRequestP) req
Transaction request to write data to.
(IHBufferP) buffer
Data to write.
See Also
IHRetrieveRequestP, IHBufferP, BR_RetrieveURL()

This function is used for interactive sessions -- which currently only applies to the "tcp:" URL. The data in the given buffer is sent over the network connection defined by the given IHRetrieveRequestP. As soon as this function returns, the buffer is available to the caller for re-use. Note that this function does not block -- the data will probably not be transmitted until after it returns.

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Dianne Kyra Hackborn <>
Last modified: Tue Oct 8 04:01:26 PDT 1996

This web page and all material contained herein is Copyright (c) 1997 Dianne Hackborn, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.